End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
Text or call us at: (303) 433-3277 to schedule an appointment. 



Dr. Dudley and her therapist Lori have been so helpful towards getting our son E.P. on the road to recovery. Their innovative approach has translated into improvements in his performance at school and an increased interest in reading. We look forward to seeing continued improvements as a result of this therapy.

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Vision therapy reduced my double vision from a constant nagging problem to something that I rarely notice. Therapy has made me more comfortable and confident in both professional and social settings. I am thankful for Dr. Dudley and her staff, especially Lori, for the work that they put in to making my journey more enjoyable.

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At the end of my therapy, I can read again for hours at a time, an entire book on a rainy Saturday and not even feel fatigued! I love this; however, it is not the change that has been most important. My ability to think is much easier. I no longer mix up words, lose

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I went to my eye doctor for my yearly check up and we dropped my prescription. The next day everything was doubled. He recommended me here and with the help and support of Dr. Dudley’s team they helped me get my focus back. They also showed me how to use my eyes (I know that

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My eyes were terrible! I couldn’t see words on pages, letters that were small, things would double up on me, and I hated to play tag because I couldn’t see them coming. Now my eyes are good because I can see small words and things don’t double and I love tag and climbing. My reading

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I arrived fighting double vision. It had become so annoying I couldn’t stand dealing with it. I was 68 and appeared to be their oldest client since I mostly saw kids coming out of the office. With the work they did with me – exercises, tests, and positive feedback I just kept trying harder and

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Parent of HK

We came to Denver Vision Therapy after my son’s teacher raised some concerns about his vision. The initial evaluation found some vision issues that needed to be addressed. Also, there was a concern with our son’s reading fluency and comprehension. He completed 20 weeks of therapy, and we have seen great improvements with his vision

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Vision Therapy helped me read better from when I started Vision Therapy. Vision Therapy helped me get better grades in school.

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I came in because my eyes always felt strained and tired. I’ve been to countless number of optometrists and no one could figure out what was wrong. Vision Therapy has helped my eyes work better to the point it doesn’t feel strained or tired anymore. Dr. Dudley also found that my eyes were over corrected

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Parent of AO

AO struggles with learning disabilities and ADHD. We were looking for an alternative form of treatment for AO to help her with these issues. A friend of ours mentioned vision therapy may help. After almost one year of vision therapy we have seen huge strides in AO’s reading and focus. She no longer needs medication

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