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I seme to overcome my strilgirn in reading. I also play Lacrosse and I fill it hellipt me play Lacrosse caus of you guys.

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My son was struggling in school and playing lacrosse. As a family, we were very aware that he was having problems with reading, pronouncing words, and catching a ball. After working with a school district, we were not getting anywhere with his education. We decided to seek out other professionals to assist him. Vision therapy

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Mom of HT

When I was 3 my left eye started turning out. I was a little clumsy and sometimes it was hard to focus on things. I have gone through 40 weeks of vision therapy and can control my eye turn. I am not clumsy anymore and my balance has improved. I like reading much better now

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SS Jr.

Before vision therapy I depended on reading to help me fall asleep but now I can’t do that anymore, because now my eyes don’t get tired as easily. Thanks Mia!

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SS Sr.

S would get extremely fatigued with school, especially reading. He would avoid reading and struggled in language arts class in school. During vision therapy, after about 6 months, he was excelling in language arts class and even managed to receive an award at the end of the year! He doesn’t get tired as easily and

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I started out not being able to see the board and it was hard to learn. And I’ve grown a lot since then with the help of Mia, and now I feel invincible. We have figured out that I’m near-sighted. So, I got glasses and it’s amazing. I can see the board and I don’t

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When we first came to Ocular Therapy, 11 months ago, our child was complaining about not being able to see the board that well at school, and also about blurry vision. This problem was affecting her both academically and socially. At first, we were very concerned about the cost and time investment. However, Dr. Dudley

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I used to skip words and lines when I read. Because of that I got bad grades in reading. Now after vision therapy I feel more confident reading out loud in class and I have a B in reading. Vision therapy has helped with that and I am grateful for all the support and help

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Before Vision Therapy, my daughter’s poor vision affected her ability to not only see things clearly, but her ability to focus, move through space smoothly, hit a ball, and maintain balance. Now that she has had 40 sessions of therapy, she can clearly see letters and words on a page, and is ready to read!

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At first I was rubbing my eyes a lot. Then we found Denver Vision Therapy. Lori and Dr. Dudley helped me and my eyes a lot! Now I am not rubbing my eyes as much and I am beginning to read more books!

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