End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
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My son C was diagnosed with fairly severe tracking issues at his annual eye exam in the fall of 2016 at the age of 9. He could not track objects without moving his entire head. He also had sensitivity to light, watering eyes, and he would pull at the bottom of his eyelids to stretch […]

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My eye problems were I skip line when reading, get head akes, I had problem tracking and focusing with out have to pull on my eyes. Vision therapy help so now I don’t pull on my eye, I am not sensitive to light, I can track easier and I don’t skip lines. This is how

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Before therapy L did not like reading, had a poor temper due to frustration, and was generally in poor spirits. Over the course of the year, with Nikki and Lori’s help, L is almost caught up with his grade level reading standards, has much better handwriting, loves to draw and write stories, and is a

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I started out with double vision—where the images did not line up vertically or horizontally. Lenses with prisms were prescribed with excellent results—after a day of adjustment to the lenses. I wore them for 2 days then I didn’t need them. Lori was great to work with—I am grateful for all the skills and patience

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Before I attended vision therapy I had blurriness, I was dizzy, had headaches, and was unable to read without getting a headache. During therapy I struggled with converging my eyes and struggled with remembering facts about short stories. I am now able to handle 30 minutes of reading, no dizziness, and headaches are not as

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From a brain tumor and surgery to remove it I was left with blurry double vision and an inability to drive at night. After completing vision therapy and getting a new prescription for close and distance glasses the double blurry vision is very much improved and almost gone most days. And now I can drive

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Began to see double at about 80 yo driving home from skiing. Later thought vision therapy might help. A Dr.’s son-in-law (70) gave me Dr. Dudley’s name because he had so much success with a vision therapist in Boulder. I feel I’ve improved the balance and acuity in both eyes. Night driving is easier, double

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AB was struggling with reading and despite lots of hard work, we didn’t see much improvement. Then our eye doctor suggested vision therapy to help with tracking. By working hard and completing the weekly exercises, we saw an improvement in reading. And also fewer headaches! It was great to see the hard work pay off

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Our daughter came in with headaches and a hard time following (tracking) with her eyes. She has come such a long way in the last six months. Her eyes are strong and no more headaches!

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Mom of BR

Brendan really struggled in his first year of middle school. After going through a number of assessments Brendan was referred to Dr. Dudley. It made such a difference for Brendan to get answers as to why he was having a hard time in school. He understood that it wasn’t simply his lack of effort or

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