End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
Text or call us at: (303) 433-3277 to schedule an appointment. 



Going to vision therapy changed my life by improving my brain function and eye function. Vision therapy has made learning and seeing ten times easier for me. I am more confident in terms of seeing, learning, and dealing with everyday life. Since I started vision therapy I noticed I have passed academic tests better and […]

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N can read without skipping lines and words. She doesn’t need her glasses to read. This year was the first time she didn’t need to go to Assessment Day to measure her reading level or go to Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. She was always borderline in the past. She is considering taking piano lessons again.

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Every time I used to look somewhere it was double at first. Then my mom and dad took me to vision therapy. We took many vision lessons and some were really annoying and not fun, but after 20 sessions the lessons paid off. Now when I look at something, I don’t see double. I learned

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When I first came to vision therapy I was seeing double and I had blurred vision. Now I can see single and my vision is not blurry anymore. Now in baseball I can see the ball so I can hit better. I can see the blackboard better and I can take notes.

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Parent of SK

Vision therapy has proven to be a huge success for our daughter. Her English score went for a 77% up to a 95% in one trimester. Her Reading went from an 88% to a 99% and Math went from 80% to 90%. Not only did her scores improve numerically, but more importantly her confidence as

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Vision therapy has helped me with my reading a lot. My math scores went up, and it’s great not seeing double any more. After all the months of hard work it has really paid off. Thank you for helping my vision.

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