End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
Text or call us at: (303) 433-3277 to schedule an appointment. 


Parent of E

A Success Story entitled:  From Fear to Fascination – My son had what seemed to be a fear of reading.  Whenever we wanted him to read he would get nervous and antsy.  He was falling behind the other students and some were trying to label him as slow and ADHD.  A teacher recommended us getting […]

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Parent of S

My daughter has increased in her confidence level, her reading speed, her performance at school after 20 sessions of vision therapy.  She worked extremely hard on her vision therapy homework which showed to me her level of commitment and seriousness to overcome and strength to work hard and stamina to encompass all of her activities

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Parent of SA

SA uses to avoid reading on his homework and would often cry at home and at school.  He is now an enthusiastic reader and finishes his homework quickly and independently.  All of this has resulted in him feeling much more positively about school, and overall he is a much happier kid.  We are thrilled with

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My hand wrighting got a lot better and I read a lot more faster.  I read more and cry a lot less.

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Parent of KG

“My daughter had double vision before she started vision therapy. It was frustrating for her to read. Also learning to read was very hard for her. Now she is an excellent reader and enjoys reading in her spare time. I\u2019m really happy we found Denver Vision Therapy. Eye doctors would tell us there was nothing

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“When I came to eye Therapy I had double vision so I came here. I also got glasses. My two favorite teachers were Kayla and Dr. Dudley. They both helped me. I had a great! time but sometimes it was hard! Now I don\u2019t need glasses or double vision.”

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Parent of BC

“My Son BC was experiencing frustration with reading, writing, playing the piano and drawing- all things he had previously enjoyed. When we came to Dr. Dudley, we were very hopeful that she could help us in even the smallest amount. 8 months later, the difference in BC\u2019s vision is staggering! He is enjoying all of

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“Before I started, my eyes looked like they were peeled right off a goofy monster from the 80\u2019s, or my head was hit by a baseball bat. I have to say, I WAS A WRECK! It really all started when my eyes started to get irritated, and being the concerned parents my mom and dad

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“Before vision therapy I never read any stories, books, or anything. When I came to therapy, Kayla helped me calibrate my eyes to work as a team instead of individually. Now I read every day without fail. I cannot thank Kayla and Vision Therapy more for allowing this to come true.”

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Parent of KM

“Before KM started eye therapy, she struggled in all areas of academics. She hated reading, flipped her letters, sometimes whole words. She refused to study and fought to begin homework. Since then and after starting eye therapy, her academic world has changed. She gets 100% on most spelling tests, gained the confidence she needed to

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