End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
Text or call us at: (303) 433-3277 to schedule an appointment. 


Parent of A

“Prior to Vision Therapy, A was struggling in school, in particular with reading and writing.  Getting her to complete her work was a battle, including getting her to read for school or pleasure.  After 3-10 week sessions, A has improved not only in her schoolwork but now finds reading a pleasure.  The daily exercises that […]

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“Befor I started vision therapy I did not enjoy to read and it was no fun.  As I progresses I started to read more and it was more fun for me.  So far I have read many chapter books.  Vision therapy has helped me a lot in the 30 sesions that I have taken.”

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Parent of I

“I. was in kinder when his teacher shared with us ‘the lights are on and no one’s home.’  She suggested he had attention issues, but couldn’t give specifics.  An OT recommended an informal vision assessment which resulted in a referral here.  At the time I. was way below grade level in every area.  After a

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“I came to vision therapy with severe doubling of vision without prism in both eyes using Fresnel lenses.  Within a few weeks the prism required dropped.  I had a difficult time with 3-D images.  For several exercises this improved.  I had a difficult time with visual memory (I’m very verbal).  Over time, I was able

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“My reading has gotten so much better.  I can read faster, and longer without getting frustrated because I can scan words and know what they are quicker.”

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“After struggling with dizziness for a year after a concussion, I came to Denver Vision Therapy to see if vision therapy could help and it did!  My dizziness went from being a daily / semi-daily occurrence to a very rare occurrence over the course of therapy.  I also noticed other benefits, including better clarity and

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Parent of M.S.

“We were a year into homeschooling M.S. and were very close to giving up on it due to the struggles we were having with M.S. and reading.  Although M.S. was in 4th grade, her comprehension was below grade level and we were constantly battling to get her to read.  Many reading sessions ended in tear

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“When I started vision therapy I could not read.  I was at a 3rd grade reading level.  So it was very frustrating.  It helped my reading.  I went from hating reading to loving reading.  It helped my spelling.  Being able to read 5th and 6th grade instead of 3rd and 4th grade.   F.I.Y. – I

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