End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
Text or call us at: (303) 433-3277 to schedule an appointment. 



“VT is fun! VT helped a lot. it helped me see words in a row. My VT therapist is nice! Here name is Niki. The eye doctor is nice too. Her name is Dr. Dudley. VT helped me focus better. Now I can see a lot better. I went to VT 2014-2015. I wish I […]

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Parent of W.J.

“When we started Vision Therapy, he was a good reader but hated reading.  He would struggle through even one page of what should have been easy.  He blinked a lot, rubbed his eyes, kept getting up “for a drink” and any number of delay tactics, especially at night.  Now he loves reading.  He reads for

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“Before I came to vision therapy I noticed that I was struggling with reading\/writing and motion sickness. \u00a0During my time here I did a series of exercises that helped me get over my motion sickness and get better at writing and reading. \u00a0I have learned that this treatment helps with all sorts of problems. \u00a0Thank

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Parent of M

“Vision therapy has greatly helped my daughter, M.  We noticed from a young age that she would skip words or whole lines while reading and had trouble staying focused.  After vision therapy her eye tracking, focusing and eye teaming are greatly improved.  In 30 weeks she went from reading 97 words per minute up to

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Parent of A

“Going through vision therapy with my son helped me understand why reading had traditionally been so difficult and frustrating for him.  It was great to see his pride in his accomplishments and the significant improvement in his self-confidence.”

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“It made my double vision go away and made reading easier.  Made life easier and gave me more pacentice”

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Parent of K

“My daughter was getting headaches, unable to clearly read and falling behind in school.  After a lot of hard work she is able to read without the words floating off the page or lines running together.  I love walking into her room and finding her reading!  Her grades have improved and I’m glad her eye

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“My story is I’m doing better in school and getting better grades.  Now I can finally see the ball coming when I’m up to bat in softball.  By doing vision therapy it helped my future and my life.  Now I can read and my therapist Lori was super helpful with all my problems I used

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