End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
Text or call us at: (303) 433-3277 to schedule an appointment. 


Parent of C

Our daughter had/s always been a great student but had recently begun struggling with completion assignments and the teachers were concerned with attention issues. A few months prior her eye doctor had noticed tracking issues. After reviewing both challenges and options we decided on what seemed like an “alternative” solution and we came to DVT. […]

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Parent of T

At the beginning, I was seeing double a little and I was skipping words in reading. Vision therapy let me exterminate all these things while being fun. Also, it isn’t very long, I’d estimate 25 weeks on average. Additionally, there is a prize box for kids after 5 sessions with extremely good rewards. In the

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I didn’t know what I was missing by not seeing well with my two eyes having a mind of their own. My eyes started to team better and I could read better and I could read more easily – better yet I could do my ninja tricks with greater precision. Thank you Denver Vision Therapy!

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Parent of D

We first realized my daughter had a vision problem when, at age 11, she asked her dad if it was normal to see two of him, and shortly after a traumatic event caused the rest of her vision to decline. It was scary. As I spoke to other parents, 5 others told me about their

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Parent of AW

Going through vision therapy with my son helped me understand why reading had traditionally been so difficult and frustrating for him. It was great to see his pride in his accomplishments and the significant improvement in his self-confidence.

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It made my double vision go away and made reading easier. Made life easier and gave me more patience.

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Parent of SA

SA used to avoid reading on his homework and would often cry at home and at school. He is now an enthusiastic reader and finishes his homework quickly and independently. All of this has resulted in him feeling much more positively about school, and overall he is a much happier kid. We are thrilled with

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SN, age 30

Prior to vision therapy I felt my double vision getting worse every year. Multiple optometrists dismissed my symptoms. When I finally found vision therapy I felt as if I finally found people who understood my vision problem. With vision therapy I was able to make significant gains in reducing my double vision. It is a

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Parent of GSGP

G was a reluctant and uncomfortable reader. Her eye tired quickly when reading and she often complained that font was too small (unfortunately, I thought she was being lazy rather than struggling with her vision). After thorough testing and a very comprehensive assessment, G began weekly vision therapy sessions. After 20 sessions and some real

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