End of Summer Special: New Patients $100 Off the Initial Evaluation!
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After unsuccessful attempts at reading therapies, we started eye therapy. A started the school year way below average and by Christmas break she had achieved benchmark (50% on educational testing) – Current evaluations are pending. Her self-confidence has really improved. Her attitude towards reading has markedly changed. Motion sickness has decreased. WE are thrilled with […]

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I came here because I had really bad headaches and had to sit out during camp sometimes. I love to read but sometimes it would make my head hurt and I used to avoid writing. But now after working with Lori I only sometimes get headaches and I just published my first book at school.

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Parent of AT

Denver Vision Therapy, Dr. Dudley, and Miss Nikki have been life-changing for our daughter. A came to Dr. Dudley with a “profound” need, not reading well of doing well, academically. They helped A help herself as a visual learner. She’s now at grade level and above average in some school subjects. Denver Vision Therapy is

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It was chalging for me at the begining but once I got stoted my vision changed. My left eye was weak and my right eye was find, a little proble but it was fine. My eyes have impoved so well its fomnol how hard I worked but know my eyes are perfect and I can

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My child struggled in school since kindergarten. They said his work didn’t reflect what he knew. 1st grade they wanted to hold him back. We moved to Littleton and the eye Dr. referred us to Dr. Dudley and her staff. We finally got our answer, and all the years of frustration and tears would have

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Hello! My story is that I was in a motor vehicle accident on May 6, 2015. I began developing symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. My back and neck were also strained. After six months of physical therapy, most of those symptoms were on the mend. The other, maybe more annoying symptoms remained. I couldn’t cross the

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Parent of JM

We came to vision therapy very lost on how best to help J. He was struggling in school and we were feeling at a significant loss on what to ask for and how to help. I cried after our first evaluation on how bad things were. Now a year later J is a totally different

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I’ve learned skills to smoothly follow movements, and television, and traffic without straining and squinting. Working with Nikki was a joy and fun. Her expertise is second to none. The direction and coordination with Dr. Dudley was smooth, efficient, and scheduling was easy. My depth perception has noticeably improved and characters on T.V. or movie

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Mother of MD

M. was really struggling with reading and school work. We had her tested at VT and found out she had a tracking issue. We began VT and after our first 10 sessions we began to see significant improvement! During this time, we also had her tested for dyslexia. VT has been so helpful on our

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Mother of GB

For a number of years my daughter struggled with reading and writing specifically. Reading was a chore and the recall and comprehension seemed non-existent. At the time she required glasses, we learned that she had trouble teaming and was diagnosed with exophoria. After vision therapy, reading became less of a chore and in her own

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