Dyslexia or Functional Vision Problem?
One of the many questions that we receive from parents and professionals is how we can tell if a child has vision problems or if they have dyslexia. Fortunately, we have several tools to help tell these two issues apart.
First, what is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that is not due to problems with intelligence, hearing or vision (1). This means that to truly diagnose a person with dyslexia, vision problems should be ruled out.
Second, it is important to acknowledge the significant overlap between vision problems and dyslexia.
This 2018 study (2) found the incidence of vision problems to be 46% higher in dyslexic learners than in typical learners. Another 2024 study (3) published in Pediatric Reports found a similar distribution.
The individuals’ symptoms and school performance can provide a key to indicate which problems they have, and which are more important to address. The included diagram provides a helpful guideline in determining if the child’s symptoms are more likely to indicate dyslexia, vision problems, or both. At Denver Vision Therapy, we feel it is important to identify those individuals with dyslexia early so that we can set appropriate goals for the child and direct them to the right resources for reading and learning. It is also critical to address their vision problems so that they can see comfortably – after all, these individuals often spend MORE time reading as a result of additional time needed to complete assignments as well as extra hours tutoring. Our goal is to remove the barriers caused by vision problems, so that they can focus their attention on the hard work of reading.
- “Dyslexia.” Mayo Clinic, 6 Aug. 2022, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyslexia/symptoms-causes/
- syc-20353552.
- Raghuram, Aparna et al. “Frequency of Visual Deficits in Children with Developmental Dyslexia.” JAMA Ophthalmologyvol. 136,10 (2018): 1089-1095.doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.2797
- Mukhtar, Ismail Salma et al. “Age-Matched Comparative Analysis of Binocular Vision Anomalies among Children with Dyslexia in Northern Nigeria.” Pediatric reports vol. 16,3 566-578. 15 Jul. 2024, doi:10.3390 /pediatric16030048